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August 17, 2006
See, it's Hexic because there's Hexagons and stuff. Lol!
So I broke down and installed that IE Tab Firefox extention to play on MSN Games. I suck like that. But I have issuses. One: It's a Flash game... so why the hell are there issues with it? I don't get it. I can load a game up, and it will say "Hey, I'm loaded!" but any time I need to open a menu or push a button? It won't work until like 5 minutes after I originally wanted to press it. It pops up a little help thing for you to okay? Can't actually click okay until 5 minutes afterwards. This also counts the mute button, which means I can't kill the sound without listening to stupid music for who knows how long. Blah. Two: They have most of the Popcap games up there, and they say I can earn badges on them, but fuck if it actually gives me any. I played Alchemy on there for quite some time the other day, got farther than I ever got, and it didn't give me any of the score badges... I should have gotten at least two. Three: What's the point of these badges if I can't show them off? I can't, either. With Live Achievements, I can show off. These...? I dunno. I can't link them to anyone. Hell, the flash thing that shows them to me suffers from the same button press issues as the games, so I can't even look at them without waiting for 5 minutes every time I want to click on something... anyway, I don't like MSN Games much. Like what they're sorta trying, but it's really annoying me.
Also, I have things to say about Hexic. Been playing that alot on there. It doesn't feel like the sort of thing that the person who invented Tetris (that's right, motherfucking TETRIS, mother of all puzzle games and still completely addictive) would have made. It doesn't have much of Tetris' simple charm. However, it is sort of interesting. I appreciate the fact that I can play it slowly as there are no time-based issues inherent in the game. I also like the fact that making Star pieces lets me fiddle with the pieces on the board in a totally different way, making it all very strategic and cool. I DON'T like how seemingly little control I have over making the flowershape needed to make Star pieces. If there's some easy way to engineer it, I'm not seeing it at the moment, and seeing as Star pieces are so damn useful, it bothers me. Also, apparently you can make a flowershape of Star pieces to make a Black Pearl, and if you manage to clear a set of Black Pearls you win. Like, apparently that's the point of the game. The max number of Star pieces I've made so far is three. You need 8 to make one Pearl. How you make Star pieces just seems wrong. Extremely hard. Anyway, if you own a 360 (Hexic HD comes pre-loaded onto every 360 Harddrive, I believe) or want to deal with MSN Games's retardedness. Hexic isn't too bad. Just expect to be totally fucking lost the first few games. The mechanics are simple enough, but getting into a groove with them... it's more difficult than with something like Tetris or Tetris Attack... more along the lines of getting into something like Wario's Woods, but with slightly less learning curve... yeah...
Wario's Woods was one fucking complicated puzzler, wasn't it?
Keep wondering if I should get a 360... when I talk about it, nobody really discourages me... well, Brer thinks I should upgrade my compy instead, which wouldn't be a bad plan... I dunno...
Posted by poetfox at August 17, 2006 02:21 AM
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