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August 24, 2006

I would like to find things.

I agree with Tycho, that is fucking awesome. Only makes me want a 360 that much more... seriously, that's exactly the shit I want to be playing in my spare time, deep little things like that. And then, you know, when I want to sit down and beat the shit out of people, I switch to something with more... visual... shit-beating-out-of-people... ness...

Oh, the background they have up there is fucking awesome, too.

I attempted to find a little program that would let me put different wallpapers on each of my monitors today. It boggles my mind that a program that seems like it would be so simple would be so impossible to find for free. I have plenty of options if I want to spend 40 bucks, though. At the same time, here I am, typing on a free and I believe open source browser that's better than any closed-source browsers I have ever tried. Thinking about these things just... blows me away. Then again, I guess it's to be expected. Everyone needs a browser. People who use multiple monitors are in the minority, so to fiddle with such things and indulge, they have to pay more, I suppose. Still seems silly... then again, I suppose some of the simplest stuff can be the hardest to program... maybe... fuck, I dunno, I haven't programmed anything ever. Well, okay, I made something in BASIC back on my old Apple IIc, but that's it. And that barely counts.

I guess, in some ways, I'm so used to being able to get anything I want from the internet, it frustrates me to no end when I can't find things. Such as a copy of Hexic for less than 20 retarded dollars. Or this little program I was talking about. Or an obscure song used in an anime that I liked. Or whatever. I'm pretty good at finding things on the internets, and when I don't... I just search harder, and harder, cause it has to be out there, right? But it never is, and that makes me frustrated... I'm a weird, stupid person sometimes...

My coinflippy deck isn't in yet... that's sad... I hope it gets here tommorow.

Posted by poetfox at August 24, 2006 12:14 AM


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