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August 20, 2006
Baldurdash Results are In!
Saved for all time, here are some of the best answers from tonight's game of Baldurdash.
Matt Essner had some great movie plots. I can't remember what the titles were that went with them, but it doesn't matter because they're that awesome.
"A Realtor has three weeks to make the deal of a lifetime before his family is eaten by pirates and juggled by bears."
"A down on his luck ventriloquist tries to make a comeback after finding a solid gold dummy in his ex-girlfriend's basement (on wednesday)"
Shaladriel wrote a plot for the movie title "Male and Female" that would most definately make a better film than the weird ass actual plot of said film: "A failing Electrician tries to find love." That's just clever, you know?
I enjoyed my definition for Woom: "Seriously, turn the paper upside down. It's exactly the same! OMGLOL!"
Adam's girlfriend whose name I kept forgetting because I totally fucking suck had the greatest movie plot for, what I can only assume is a short film, "Down the Drain" : "A housewife is cleaning dishes, and when she reaches down into the drain to unclog it, a man comes in and turns the garbage disposal on."
There was, of course, plenty of other good ones, but those are the ones I feel I remember well enough to do justice transcribing them.
Posted by poetfox at August 20, 2006 12:53 AM
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