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July 12, 2006

there must be fifteen different ways to start fires with evil.

i don't kill puppies for satan, but sometimes i yell at my computer
my name is alexis long
cold 1
fucked up 2
mean 1
relentless 1
evil 0
this many people have ever noticed me as a human being, not just another sad ground-down face in the crowd: 8
i like to think i can shuffle cards well, but i really can't.

There's my character sheet.

I really like kill puppies for satan. It's so well written. I'm glad I remembered it, but I'm sad I lost my copy of cockroach souffle. Maybe I'll be able to find it through hardcore internetting sometime. I can hope. I'd buy it from them if both of them were in one solid, physical, well made book. But they're not, they're just pdfs, so, you know, fuck it.

Posted by poetfox at July 12, 2006 02:29 AM


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