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July 19, 2006
There is a really huge rant about cleaning that you should probably skip.
I am not looking forward to waking up tommorow and having to haul more stuff out of this room. Not at all. I'll get maybe... an hour of free time before I go out to eat... maybe a little more... I just hate the way my mom cleans with a passion. She said today "Oh, it looks so much better already!" It just looks empty, and all that stuff you put in boxes? It still has to come back and fill that empty void. And Jonathan and I are going to have to put it all back where it was, after you shampoo the floor or whatever you want to do. And how long until you shampoo the floor and all of our stuff is in boxes and inaccessable? And I bet you're going to shampoo the floor while I'm not at work, too, so I can't be on my computer for most of the day. I am really bitchy about this cleaning up in here. In the end, it'll look better, but we will have taken the longest path to get there possible. My plan? Organize and get everything off of tables, my and Jonathan's desk, and the floor. Put all the useless junk IN THE CLOSET in boxes. Shampoo the floor, resort stuff in boxes, boom, done. Yes, still alot of work, but intelligent work, instead of resorting all my manga that was already sorted and on shelves before mom took all the manga off the shelves and put them in boxes, which is what I'm going to be doing a few days from now.
Okay, rant over.
I really didn't do much of anything, besides the little bit of helping my mom clean I did... I watched xXxholic (the new episode was a 2 parter, so it was a little unsatisfying, but as awesome as usual) and some Doctor Who (that was also a 2 parter, but hey, I had the other part of that) and... just generally relaxed. I enjoyed it. Jonathan seemed very put off by the fact that I wasn't worried about not having anything to do tonight.
Oh, our family bought tickets to the Blue Man Group rock tour. I'm excited. It's in October.
I really want to not be in this house tommorow, or not have to clean... mayhaps I will have to talk my way out of it, using conversation... hm...
Posted by poetfox at July 19, 2006 02:33 AM
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