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July 09, 2006
BEST SHIRT EVER? Probably not, but it completely entertains me.
So we did really bad at the Coldsnap prerelease, but hey, that was to be expected. I did score two Zur the Enchanters, who were totally useless to us in the tourney because we didn't have any enchantments of note, but who I will totally be building a deck around in the near future, probably modifying my current all white affair to include even more goodies for Zur to summon up while still keeping my good buddies Auratouched Mage, Kitsune Mystic, and Thran Golem around to join in the fun. Anyway, we were once again lacking important strong commons as well, so we died, but so it goes.
Well, new Magic articles are up, time to read!
Posted by poetfox at July 9, 2006 11:05 PM
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