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July 05, 2006

Okay, I'm not really goth, though I'm sure some people seeing me on the street might think so...?

Yeah... that's the kinda goth I am.

Wow, it's late. I should be in bed. Yup.

Oh, Doctor Who is good, even if I wasted valuable torrenting time downloading the first season when Spants already had it. It's still worth it, dammit! Or something! It was also a better use of my time than watching the explosions, probably.

I'm working alot tommorow, and then like... NEVER AGAIN. Le sigh. I wanna work. I better write a short story or something in the meantimes! I'm pretty sure I said that in my last post. OH WELL! IT'S STILL TRUE!

Posted by poetfox at July 5, 2006 03:55 AM


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