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July 23, 2006

Mmmmm... Vanilla...

Man, I have such wonderful and weird furry friends... Derraie and I have just planned the most amazing shopping trip. Heh.

Okay, so, I finished Well of Lost Plots the other night. Mr. Fforde loves subplots. Alot. A. Lot. Alot. But he's so entertaining, who the fuck cares? Heh... Oh, everyone at work gave me a sticker for finishing it too! Yay!

Other things about me... um... I'm watching Babylon 5 with Brer, and that's been pretty fun. It feels alot like we're curling up close and watching, so I'm very happy... mm, anything else...? I dunno. I'm going to attempt to accomplish alot next week, so ask me about how I'm doing on that to make sure I do it. If all goes well, I will be one crazy busy but happy person in August.

They're coming out with a Vanilla Frosty... is that interesting news? I think so.

Posted by poetfox at July 23, 2006 02:54 AM


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