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July 02, 2006

Late night at work! I haven't had that happen in awhile...

So let's see... what did I do today... I wrote most of an essay I'm calling Labeling. It doesn't have an ending yet, though, so you can't see it yet. It's not too bad, but it's not amazing... it follows my fucked up thought process, which went all over the place... but, you know. Whatever.

I also thought of a short story to write tonight at work... (work went long, but I get paid more so I don't care! Also, I definately am getting vacation time, which is hardcore. Heh.) I'm calling it Six-Shooter. It's all western-y, if you couldn't tell from the title. It's like a western meets Green Lantern origin story meets Outlaw Star. No, there's no arm-wrestling space ships. Anyway, I'm sure it would be terrible... me writing western-ness will be terrible. But I should till write it. Also, I totally just remembered that I should try writing Romantic Subplot again... I liked that idea...

I also bought clogs today. Yay for clogs! Why did I buy clogs? So I don't have to keep bringing socks to work. They're like closed-toed sandals, so they're fine for work and they work for me. Yay! They definately need to be broken in, though... my feets hurt a bit.

My favorite line from me reading Well of Lost Plots tonight? "We could only identify the leader from his dental records, although we had no idea why he was carrying them."

Posted by poetfox at July 2, 2006 03:18 AM


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