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July 13, 2006

I tried to post this last night, but the server was being retarded...

Cyo doodled a little picture of me. It would be an odd occasion that I would wear a dress like that... and she goes "actually.....she isnt feeling herself up...it just ended up looking that way" and now I can only look at it thinking like that... but... heh, it was real nice of her to doodle at random anyway... heh...

Okay, so, bowling didn't go too bad today, and we had two very close games of Pinochle afterwards, so that's great... Spants and I made a trip to Toys R Us in the extra time we had between food and bowling. I spotted the clearance games. They had some good stuff, F-Zero GX, Phantom Dust, another game I own but can't remember... but I owned most all of them... and then I saw a copy of Killer 7 for the Gamecube, and took advantage of the low, low prices. I read alot of mixed reviews for the game, but most have said "Yes, the gameplay sucks, but the style, plot, and art is top notch" and style can really carry me through a game... so I assume I'm going to enjoy it. I haven't played it yet. Spants also bought some Pirates packs from the new set obviously capitalizing on Dead Man's Chest, Davy Jones' Curse. He opened an awesome unique treasure, the Monkey Paw (terrible if you happen to pick it up (any ship attacking you gets one free hit a turn), but just tons of fun to have in the game), and the Flying Dutchman, which is an amazing 5 master. (All 2 Long cannons, and it has Broadsides!) if only it wasn't part of some stupid this-set-only nationality of "The Cursed," so we didn't have issues with crewing it... Oh well, we don't play Pirates enough anyway... it's an awesome game, though.

Posted by poetfox at July 13, 2006 12:39 PM


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