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July 16, 2006
I noticed something I missed last time when I saw Dead Man's Chest again.
Color me seduced. There's not alot of information on that page, but after reading this account of a gameplay session and all the positive speak in all the theory discussions over here, I was completely in love. There is a slight possibility of us all playing this game, but I would have to work damn hard to get everyone in the proper mood and even then it probably wouldn't be a very serious sort of show we'd be making. Not that there's anything wrong with silly. As much as Essner has told me about his imaginary Sitcom, I could see us creating one of those pretty good. But anyway, I'm rambling now...
Ashley seemed to invite me to visit her tonight... I would love to visit all my close online friends (Um, especially my boyfriend... heh...) but... travel is fun to a point, and then the cost just... gets crazy, and I can't even dream of doing it. Ashley lives in Maine, and me alone going to visit her would be a huge expense because I would definately have to fly... (with Brer, I could probably drive, if I remember correctly... it would be longer than my trip to Natalie's, but I could pull it off if need be) It's just... travelling is alot of money. Which is sad. I know I can't afford it this year... it's a next gen console launch year! Is that a sad reason to not take a trip? Probably. But that's where my extra money is going to go... gods, I don't know, does that sound bad? I'm a terrible person who sits next to their computer all day, or something.
Holy crap, I just found this. If nothing else, that is a genius idea for a game. Heh.
I get to wear my new shirt to work today, as well as red pants. I'm excited, to say the least.
Posted by poetfox at July 16, 2006 03:08 AM
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