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July 18, 2006
For some reason, I felt obligated to write a post, even though said post is not very good.
So today was all not very good and I was all down for stupid reasons and stuff... but then I went to work and I got all gung-ho and ready to do all sorts of awesome things and get everything in the world accomplished! And then I got back home and that all faded away...
I enjoyed the latest Open Letter alot. There's a new episode of xXxholic on my hard drive I haven't watched yet. I'm not working today. I still want to see A Scanner Darkly. I hope I can find the oomph I need to get things rolling in the next couple days... there's nothing wrong with relaxation as long as things eventually get done... I like this link image from the Dvorak blog because I'm weird... yeah...
Posted by poetfox at July 18, 2006 03:29 AM
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