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July 20, 2006
Dah Du Dat Daaa, Dah Du Dat Daaaaa, Dah Du Dat Daaaa, He's a Pirate...
Justin Spants is on a Pirates kick. Apparently at Wal-Mart they have this neat-o starter box of Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse that includes about 4 packs worth of ships but a couple more crew than you'd normally get... he got some Sea Monsters... I dunno what to think about the Sea Monsters. But the pack is nice, I might pick one up. He also got Davy Jones, which you'd think would go nice with the super-awesome Flying Dutchman he got awhile back, but Davy Jones is a really shitty crew. I mean, the ability is alright, but he costs waaaaay to much. Maybe if he had the Captian "Move and Shoot" ability too... or if he just cost less... or lost the Limit keyword... anyway, Spants will probably never use him.
Huh, there's a different version of Devereaux in Davy Jones Curse... and holy shit, that's a million times better than the shitty version I have...
Anyway, it's annoying that they made the Barbary Corsairs and The Cursed their own nations, instead of just Pirate. It's annoying enough not having the right crew for the cool ship you just opened, making all these one-set-only nations only makes the problem worse.
But yeah, I still love Pirates. It's miniatures gaming at it's purest and least complicated. I just HATE THE RULES WITH A PASSION! Why can't they have a master rules document... I'm such a rules whore, it annoys me to no end that we're having to debate whether Sea Monsters can get Fire Masts and if they have Fire Masts, what happens if they submerge... gaaah... anyway, we're probably going to play some more tommorow. Whee.
So yeah, Alaska... that would be hard... but certianly an adventure...
Heh, and Mama showed me the new stuff she's going to be putting up on GoneAllWild later today... cute stuff... heh...
Oh, also, they're coming out with a DS and PSP game of that Vs System! I'm excited! It was definately one of the better card games I've played (I hear they basically took a bunch of Magic pro tour players and threw money at them and asked them to make a game) and since it'll play over the Wifi Connection, I'm totally fucking there. Not getting the PSP version because it is sounding very... microtransactiony... They seriously need a DS version of Pirates... Pirates would make a fucking awesome game to pass around hotseat on a trip, seriously.
Posted by poetfox at July 20, 2006 02:57 AM
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