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July 27, 2006
And now, DS news I have learned and am excited about.
Castlevaina: Portrait of Ruin does have Co-op Multiplayer. Since there was two characters you switch between in the main game, I'm glad they did the sensical thing and added this. You can't play in the actual game, though, you apparently play in special Co-op stages, which is fine by me. The best part? You can play on the Wifi Connection. Apparently the enemies are different than playing in the same room with one another, because of memory issues. But still, that's fucking aweomse.
There's a game coming out, called "Clubhouse Games." It's basically a bunch of simple card and board games for the DS, and all of them Wifi capable for up to 8 players, in the games that have 8 players. Depending on the selection of games and if it comes out at a budget price (Like... 15 dollars), that could definately be worth it. Although, Ultimate Brain Games DS is supposed to have online Go... but there's been no news of that in awhile.
The DS version of Gunpey (from Q games, makers of Meteos and Lumines) apparently has a full remix mode for all the music, where you can fiddle with just about every part of it. This isn't in the PSP version, although the PSP verison will be prettier and have CD quality tunes... neither version has online multiplayer, though.
Oh, and Contact just seems fucking amazingly entertaining, and exactly the sort of game I want.
Posted by poetfox at July 27, 2006 02:08 AM
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