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June 12, 2006
Who knew I was capable of such hardcore sleep?
Blah, I felt so shitty after our trip last night... Brer called me on Skype and we talked for awhile with me in bed... though he couldn't understand me seeing as I was mumbling and my voice sounded like crap... but after that I seriously slept from 8:30 to 9:30, with a brief period of awakeness around 2 for me to get something to drink. I can't remember the last time I slept so hardcore... and I feel alot better today.
Even though hiccups made me crazy tired and sickly yesterday, I still had a very fun time in St. Louis and the zoo. I didn't get to see the Fennecs because they have them hidden away in the Children's Zoo... you can get in there free if you go early enough, but we weren't anywhere near that early. I did see a Bat-Eared Fox. I didn't remember them being in the zoo. But Jonathan tells me it's a fake fox and not a real one. Oh well. Heh. We also got to watch them feed the penguins and get splashed with penguin and puffin ick-water. All in all, it was a damn perfect day for Zoo-ing, seeing as it had stormed in St. Louis the night before and everything was cool and not painfully summer-y. All the animals were active, too, since it wasn't so hot. It was spiffy.
Mur's Husband, Jim Van Verth I think he is called, e-mailed me back after I dropped him a random e-mail after listening to his podcast for the first time. It was more than "thank you for the e-mail," too, which was cool. He responded to my random rant about the Pokemon CCG capturing the feel of the series it was based on. (It was like 3 in the morning when I wrote this e-mail and i was very rambly in it. Heh.) Anyway, I thought that was cool.
My mother has apparently stolen my free Frappiccino coupon. Not that I expected to enjoy the Frappiccino, but it was free, and I was going to use it just for the hell of it. Taste tests never hurt anyone.
Posted by poetfox at June 12, 2006 11:09 AM
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