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June 06, 2006
We played Movie Trivia at work. I didn't contribute much except asking a question about Adaptation. Nobody had seen the movie.
Number one is just funny, number two... I really like his artwork. Heh. So there you go.
Wrote like a page of my second novel today, Happy Butterflies and Rainbows: A Tale of Mass Suicide. I need to do alot of planning to go on. Character development. 10 realistic, fully-formed peoples. I'll let it percolate. I should be writing some essays or Every Other Day, I Love You, though, instead... blah. I am a shitty writer when it comes to writing. I should take some of the advice I gave to Ecks the other day. Heh. I'm a pretty good advice-giver but I never follow a word of it myself.
Oh, I ordered a cable that will, theoretically, get my laptop back in working order. Every bit of what it's doing is saying the problem is in the connection between the computer part and the monitor part, so replacing the cable that connects the two sounds like a good strategy to me. It's either that, or the cable is loose or something. Either way, cracking the thing open and replacing it should work. I just hope Droib will help me with it. I hate bothering him, he's quite busy and has found friends who have alot more in common with him than us (and to that I say, huzzah for you, Droid. I'm not saying we want to be rid of you or something? But I know we don't always create the sort of fun you want and, as your friend, I is glad you be enjoying yourself) and I dunno, I just hate bothering him. Considering I could not figure out how to get the damn thing open alone, though, I will probably need his help. I seriously unscrewed things for half an hour and I could not get the outside off. I suck.
If I do get it working again, I think the new version of Ubuntu is out, so I'll get to wipe the machine and start from scratch! Yippie! Heh. All the fun of getting the sound to work again... I should have 5 Kubuntu Dapper CDs coming in the mail (I have no fucking idea how they can afford to send me all these CD sets for free but I'm not complaining... but seriously, FreeUbuntuCDSendingCompany, how the fuck do you function?) so, you know. Heh.
Posted by poetfox at June 6, 2006 01:45 AM
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