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June 11, 2006
This Spite is all that I need! How to! How to! How to succeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!
La dee da...
I'm downloading all of the "How To Succeed in Evil" from the Seanachai again, so I can share it with everyone on our incredibly spontaneous trip tommorow. (Two words for this trip: Art. Museum. I also wouldn't mind eating at Sarku Japan and hitting up Starclippers, but I doubt we're going to wonder about that much. We'll see, I suppose) I highly suggest the How to Succeed in Evil if you need something radioplayish to listen to. It's pretty awesome. He's getting it made into a graphic novel, I think.
New xXxholic, too... I think I'll go to bed after I watch that. Yay.
So we did a minidraft today. Lots of Guildpact and Dissention. I went with an Azorious-based build with some Orzhov backup. My deck did pretty damn well, it was all 2/2 and 2/1 fliers, which works in a draft setting. Problem was, Spants had Rakados Ink-Spitters. Those things are bitches, and my little fliers couldn't survive them and my Seals of Doom couldn't kill them, so he beat me good and won the thing. And then we played a couple of team games and an insanely spiteful 6-way Chaos game that Droid of all people played in. He didn't really know what he was doing, but we all gave him suggestions on what to do for maximum spite value. I did a little spiting, we all did a little spiting, and Buchhiet ending up winning out of nowhere. Hurrah! Yay for Spite!
Jonathan says he wants the next Paranoia game we play to be a two-parter. That's a suggestion in the right direction to get to more serious stuff, right? Only problem is half of the people I have playing Paranoia are going to be going back to college in other places... oh well, it'll be fun this summer, anyway. ^_^
The. End.
Posted by poetfox at June 11, 2006 01:23 AM
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