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June 26, 2006

The Tub has been very bitchy as of late, always freezing... I wonder why...

I have some great friends... and a really fucking awesome boyfriend. Heh.

Anywho, I read on digg there will not be a 360 price drop around Chrissymas? I think that's just plain silly of Microsoft to do... but also a smart idea. With the PS3 being so god awful expensive, they don't need to drop the price to seem cheap... but I was hoping for one... or maybe one at the same price point but with, say, a 40 gig HD... I'm probably dreaming... but I can dream, dammit! I can dream.

Other thoughts... let's see... I build Brer a deck tonight... I think I'd enjoy playing it too, but I didn't want to pay up for the Circus and the Sakashima. Oh well. Plus, it wasn't standard legal... playing extended decks online just... pisses me off. Not as much as Plaxcaster Frogling, but... yeah... my slow silly fun decks don't cut it, even in the casual room.

Thought on other things... um, when a program asks if you'd like to connect via Serial Port, said program is probably too old... um... oh, first Coldsnap previews are out. Looking interesting, to be sure... although I'm confused about the land. It's totally fucking awesome, but I thought that they had made it so that lands had to produce mana, which makes me wonder if the "Snow" Supertype makes it create Snow mana? But that doesn't make any sense, as none of the land types are Supertypes... eh, I suppose we'll see. I just hope everyone is ready to go to the prerelease in a few weeks... which just made me realize I think my parents might be planning something that weekend. Damns. I should talk to them about that...

Gonna go to bed... and play MP: Hunters of all things... heh... wish me lucks.

Posted by poetfox at June 26, 2006 02:32 AM


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