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June 25, 2006
So I finished Lost in a Good Book today. It was good, but not self-contained...? None of the major story arcs started got resolved, only the minor ones (then again, the minor ones did involve armageddon and lost plays of Shakespeare, but still)... in that respect, it was a bit disappointing, but I enjoyed it nonetheless, and look forward to starting Well of Lost Plots during my next shift at work.
If I would sit down and just write during these times after work, I'd have stuff done all the time... blah, I really suck.
Other things that are going on... um... nothing, I guess. Oh, I played the Prey demo, and I suggest it for anyone with a computer good enough to run it. Mine was on the border, there was definately some stuttering, but I probably could have fiddled with it to get it to run smoother if I needed to. Anyway, it's really neat. I though the main guy's voice would piss me off, as it's so incredibly unimpressive at first, but it doesn't really hurt you as you get going. And I can't think of a game that gives you more opporunities to shoot yourself accidentally than Prey. Heh.
At work, I got in a Phoenix Wright mindset for awhile. I'm glad they're porting the sequal to DS and bringing it over here as Phoenix Wright: Justice For All. I also had a random wish for a Phoenix Wright anime. The game feels like you're playing through a cheesy lawyer anime, so it's not like it would be all that hard to do... though I doubt anyone would do it... heh.
Posted by poetfox at June 25, 2006 02:00 AM
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