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June 13, 2006
Regrets and Exposition
So I was playing around with the regret index and I found this list of comments... which I just generally found entertaining to read. Whoever is posting as "The Devil" is taking on the Devil's persona from Dinosaur Comics, if you didn't realize... this weird regret site is run by that guy.
Mmm, Ashley is really angry tonight... wish I could do more for her...
So yeah, I played some Apprentice Magic with Tai tonight. He's obviously not as hardcore a player as I since the decks he constructed were remade from his real decks of cards no sooner than Onslaught, but it was fun nonetheless. Mayhaps we'll play again latter. I was a wee bit sad he didn't have a little cute voice, but he's a wonderful guy and it's not like that's any sort of issue. Heh.
Um, let's see... I caught up on alot of TV viewing today... that was exciting I guess... and I wrote up a new deck... tested it against Tai, it seems alot more effective than my Bat deck, which it was created to replace... we'll see if I go ahead and build it... in any case, I guess that's about all I did today.
Oh, the opening 10 minutes or so of the xXxholic movie has some of the worst, most blatant exposition ever. I was laughing. The movie itself is good, I recommend it if you're a fan, but those first couple of minutes, where they're trying to explain all of xXxholic in a few seconds... it's funny. Surely it could have been written up better. Maybe it was partially a translation thing that made it sound so bad. I dunno.
Posted by poetfox at June 13, 2006 12:42 AM
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