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June 20, 2006


Okay, link. Yeah, I linked something. Deal with it, bitches.

Offline, we only own a single Pyroclasm. One. And it's like... Ice Age Pyroclasm. What the fuck. It's one of red's most staple removal spells! ...wait, ah... okay. Apparently it's an uncommon and I thought it was a common. Heh, that makes it a little better, but still. Only 1! Daymn!
Anyway, I could go on a rant about how playing Magic with Jonathan is serioiusly pissing me off at the moment, but I won't. I could, though. But I'll leave it for someone who cares. Not to say that you don't care, blog. I love you too. I just, you know, don't want to fill you up with retarbidity. You understand, right?

Anyway, let's see... what else can I talk about... well, we were going to play Paranoia tonight but I have a feeling that's going to fall through. Oh well. Also, Freespace 2's launcher has a thing built in that let's me do the bad computer voice, and I'm really having endless, inappropriate amounts of fun with that.

Whoo! Justin Spants can play Paranoia tonight! Gotta plan now. Bye!

Posted by poetfox at June 20, 2006 04:51 PM


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