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June 17, 2006
Night Watch: A Revue (no, wait... Review.)
First off, I'm just glad there was a Day Watch as well. I would like to think I'm a member of the forces of good, but I also think I am a terrible person, so it's good to know that there is an office on the evil side of things keeping the good guys in check with the laws and the stuff.
The movie itself I can get behind for generally not following a sorta very... set plot. Alot of these sorts of things adhere to set plot things... alot of movies in general adhere to certain plot thingies. This movie, probably because it was from another country and such, did not, and I definately respected that and enjoyed it. That said, Jonathan and I both agreed something was missing, and we were both sort of agreeing it was action. The movie NEEEEEEEEDED action, more than it had. I believe it didn't have as much do to budgety stuff? Because during the action scenes they used some tricks to make them more... artsy as opposed to being full blown action to distract from the special effects the scenes would have needed? Something like that. There was definately cool parts, though... the mirrors were neat with the effects...
But yeah, it was definately worth a viewing, but, as I said, I was left with a nagging sense that something was missing from the whole experience. It's enjoyable, though, and I suggest it to anyone who likes the sound of the general plot.
On an unrelated note, did anyone see that hawt new banner thing on the side? I redid it like 10 times today because I kept making stupid little mistakes and starting over. I'm awesome like that.
Posted by poetfox at June 17, 2006 01:50 AM
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