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June 16, 2006
Magic and Hatred and Novel Purchases and Some Links and Fear
The latest Joe Loves Crappy Movies is quite awesome, I think. Not going to see the movie in any way, shape, or form, but the comic? I laughed. Or became humored. Or something like that.
Ordered some more cards today. Man, we've really been on a Magic kick recently, haven't we? I realized that my deck really doesn't have much creature removal. Okay, it doesn't have any creature removal. But since I hope to overcome via tons of tokens, it shouldn't be a problem, right? Maybe? And at least I have an easy way to stop such strategies as Brightflame and Echoing Truth. We'll see, I can always throw some Faith's Fetters in there if need be. I also found it funny that Jonathan, Spants, and I all ordered cards for token decks. We all have different focuses, though... I want to abuse Twilight Drover and Leyline of the Meek and fly in with a ton of fliers. Jonathan wants to be an ass with Glare of Subdual and Awakening and Hair-Strung Koto. Justin Spants wants to use all the Fallen Angels we keep telling him to put in a deck. We'll see how they all work out, I suppose.
So I'm getting close to being 3/4ths of the way done with my book (Lost in a Good Book, a Thursday Next Novel, for those not in the know), and seriously, I'm enjoying it. The plot is bouncing all over the place, though. Allllll over the place. We'll see if it all comes back together well or what. In any case, it's definately awesome. I have a coupon which, when combined with my BnN membership, should get me 30 percent off a book, so I'm thinking of picking up the next one tommorow, just to get some use out of the coupon. I dunno.
Oh, I still hate Torx screws. It's just frustrating that I got so close to fixing it without Droid's help, without having to bother him, but then that stupid screw all but assures I'm going to need some assistance or order some probably expensive specialty screwdriver. I just, I dunno. I worry about making Droid feel like free tech support instead of a friend, and I want to do this shite myself sometimes, but I almost never seem to be able to or something. I dunno.
I'm a very scared person. I'm frightened of most conflict (besides conflict for other people), and I'm scared of change, even when I want it. I need to face my fear at some point. I need to be someone who can be depended on. I... I dunno. I'm retarded.
Oh, I like Toastyfrog's blogthing.
Posted by poetfox at June 16, 2006 02:59 AM
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