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June 28, 2006
I wonder about that Himawari-chan...
So they didn't have enough money to pay me, so I didn't stay at work as long as I thought I would! Yay...? Also, it's good to know I am totally fit for the job of Mindless Data Entry. I would like that job. I Mindlessly Entered like 3 times the data that the other group did. I rule. Rodney was all like "Man, I should have got you in there to do that earlier!" and I'm like "Well, you know where to find me if you need someone to do it again!"
So I've pretty well decided once the DS Lite comes out in some really fucking awesome color somewhere and the importing isn't TOO painful, I'm probably going to pick it up. It's too damn sexy. And god knows I'd get my money's worth out of it. I could also hand-me-down my old one to Jonathan... that brings up the question of whether or not I would want to, though. Perhaps there is someone else more deserving of DS goodness... fuck, I dunno. I did get most of my money's worth out of my pink SP purchase. Once it gets to a point where, like my pink SP, getting that over the interwebs is just slightly more than buying one from a store, I'm there. I'm hoping for a lime green, or a special edition Pokemon DS Lite... heh heh... I should resist for as long as I can, though... too many new consoles that demand my money this year, among with other expenses... and my old-style DS (I will never, ever call it a DS Phat and I will never respect anyone who does) is still in wonderfully working condition... but I'd like a color other than uglystupid grey... I dunno. Heh.
Have I mentioned recently that I love xXxholic? Cause xXxholic is fucking awesome. I read the latest issue of the manga today and it took some crazy awesome twists very quick and I'm loving it. It's making me craving more episodes of the show hardcore right now...
I just left Wingin' It a terrible voice mail message. But, you know, it was short, so... there you go. Why did I call them? Because I saw, in Barnes and Noble today, the novelization of... SNAKES ON A PLANE!!!!!!!! FUCK YES!!!! Or something.
The end.
Posted by poetfox at June 28, 2006 02:12 AM
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