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June 15, 2006
I hate Torx Screws
One of those screws are all that is standing between me and the self-repair of my laptop. Bastard screw.
So I have been fidding around with the Battlefield 2 demo. Why? Because I've always wondered about the game, and with the new video card, it plays fine. My general appraisal is that it is Day of Defeat but there is little veichles and stuffs and there are levels and leveling. Which is neat. Also, it's PLAY IN A WINDOW FRIENDLY which, as you probably know, is something I require out of all games I play. Also, there is something about being a commander and stuff. Haven't done that part. Anyway, it's a neat game but not one I would play often, so I can't justify a purchase, especially since it's still like 50 bucks (although you do get the first expansion with it... but come awn! It's been out for a long while, can't you drop the price a little?) but, you know, yay for it.
Brer is so busy and I am so not busy and I wish I could help him get more sleeps... I dunno. That's all stupid to type, I should backspace.
Posted by poetfox at June 15, 2006 02:41 AM
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