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June 21, 2006
Got the Ice down, need a decker, need a decker...
I've been playing alot of Dystopia lately. I've been becoming a pretty good decker, if I do say so myself. I've always been willing to help out and back up people with the h4x0rz, but recently I've been doing that almost the whole game... and I'm getting pretty good. I've nearly mastered the bouncing and I got seriously like 4 Cyber-frags this last game. Yay for me! Yay for Dystopia! Or something.
So we played Paranoia again tonight. I felt my plot was a little weak, but again, people had fun. Jonathan happened to think of a much better twist for the session in the middle of it, which made me a bit jealous, but, you know, it was funny. People really don't die much in these Paranoia games, which seems sort of... wrong. But since everyone has fun? Surely that's alright. Also, Kenny's (who is seriously one crazy smart and witty guy) character name was Offel-R-OFL, so surely that counts for something...?
Oh, I built a new deck. I should have been fixing my Meekness deck, but eh, I made this one instead. It was odd, cause I walked up to make a black deck to put all of our Night's Whispers to use, and then suddenly I had this Red/Green concoction. It's fun as hell AND it has DESERT TWISTERS! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Desert Twister FTW! F! T! W!
Posted by poetfox at June 21, 2006 02:23 AM
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