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June 08, 2006

Carbondale: Home of a Game Store and Prompter of Genius

Finally fucking found a download of 19-2000 [Soulchild Remix] by the Gorillaz... it's one of the few songs they play at work sometimes that I love, and I wanted a copy of it. I would have gladly bought it from iTunes had it just been an MP3 or if jHymn hadn't been broken in recent releases... but noooo, it's DRM city for iTunes, so, you know. I went and found it.
So yesterday we went to Carbondale. Why? We weren't doing anything. We stands for Jonathan, Spants, and myself, by the way. So we went to Carbondale and listened to podcasts and went to Castle Perilous, their awesome gaming store. Not as awesome as the Fantasy Shop up in St. Louis where they have the Magic prereleases but pretty awesome nonetheless. I mean, they had basically every single Paranoia suppliment from the XP edition and a couple of old ones, too, (not that we're in any need of those, as I don't believe we'll ever be that hardcore, but it was cool to see them all there) and a copy of the "Cute and Fuzzy Cockfighting Seizure Monsters" for BESM, which made me smile. Most definately put Plainswalkers to shame in any of it's versions. Then again, I'd rather have a shitty Plainswalkers that sold packs than a dead one, but oh well. In any case, we went there, ate at Quiznos where we were waited on by the slowest sandwich maker in the history of the universe, and visited their mall. We never found the comic store we were told of, but oh well. Then we stopped for drinks for the way back and got A 6 PACK OF SUNKIST! Never has a more genius idea been spoken by one Jonathan Long as we examined the "Kool Kave." Then we drove home. Overall, it was an amazing experience for something totally fucking random we did on a Wednesday afternoon.
Also, there was some bowling and some work and that was my day ta-da!
I go through THE BEST GUM IN THE WORLD (Orbit CitrusMint Gum, for those not in the know) so crazily fast. And I wonder if someday I'm going to get in trouble for chewing gum as work, because I certianly do pop alot of bubbles, so the security cameras must be easily showing I'm chewing gum. Who knows.

Posted by poetfox at June 8, 2006 01:01 PM


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