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May 17, 2006
So, damn, I've played alot of Magic recently. On monday night we played two insanely long games of Magic. The second one was awesome. It was so awesome, we transended playing Magic and started playing Secret Alliance. Seriously, we play multiplayer Magic so extremely spitefully, and this was a 6 player chaos game of nothing but spite. It was hard fucking core, even if Jessie and Brian aren't especially knowledgable about the game. Anyway, it was fun as shite. Spants' new Izzet deck is slowly getting better and better. I think if he follows my advice and throws in some Drift of Phantasms he'll have a force to be reckoned with.
Almost done with MGS3 at this point. All in all, I think a much better game than MGS2. The gameplay was there in the second one, but the plot just went a little crazy. Three is better in that respect, and I like Para-Medic. I dislike not having a minimap, but oh well. Also, as much as I sucked at The End battle, that is how a dramatic sniper duel would really be... as opposed to, say, the fight with Sniper Wolf from MGS. But oh well, I'm having fun.
I took a cardboard box from work. I've been meaning to make a little box and send it to Brer... but now that I have a box to fill I wonder what the hell I'm going to put in it... heh...
Edit: I like those bracelets over at Megatokyo, not because they're Megatokyo or something silly like that but because they're very simple yet different. But they're already all sold out. That's hardcore. I do miss having jewelry a bit... maybe not the rings, but the bangle, I miss. Anyway, I thought those were neat.
Posted by poetfox at May 17, 2006 01:02 AM
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