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May 07, 2006
Oh gods, QuikShake, I love you.
I'm sorry, dog... every time I open my web browser my last post depresses me. I hope you won't mind me going ahead and writing something else. Sorry...
So, okay, I went to see They Might Be Giants, and, of course, they fucking rokked. The guy who opened for them was this guy who plays the Ukulele. He was pretty hardcore. Just him and a Ukulele up against the whole crowd. Yeah.
I also didn't drowse off while driving, so yay.
Cape Girardeau needs a QT. Between the milkshakes and the Bawls-sellage and the slurpees and the whatnot... it's like Gas Station Heaven. Maybe I can open a QT in Cape, and that will be my career. Bringing the QuikShake to Cape. Yeah.
I'm not looking forward to working tommorow, although, in general, I am looking forward to having hours next week. I do wish things were... were stuff... and that I was going to lay down next to Brer right now instead of an empty bed. All those people everyone tends to stare at and wonder why they got married so early... I think I understand them, at least a little. Some of them anyway, there are alot of stupid choices involved with alot of people's decisions to marry and procreate... but eh...
Guess I'll head to bed. Ooh, new xXxholic to put in the torrenter.
Posted by poetfox at May 7, 2006 01:39 AM
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