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May 21, 2006
He's like a big, retarded child, seriously.
I love Justin Spaeth. I really do. And I mean serious love here. But holy crap, he can be so retarded, I swear to god. Heh.
The more I read of the Paranoia the more I can't wait for Jonathan to get back so I can make him, Brian, Jessica, Spants, and maybe couple other of his friends play it with me. I am seriously excited. And man, I'm dreaming big, too, if this gets them interested in those sorts of games... heh heh... Get this: Yu-Gi-Oh GX BESM campaign. It would be so terrible and so fuckingly awesomely bad at the same time if done right. Anyway, my imagination is stupid.
I caught up on TWiT and Diggnation while I played HoMM tonight... it's interesting hearing these non-gamers talk about what's coming out of E3 and their perceptions of everything... I guess some might consider the people on Diggnation gamers, but I certianly don't. Hearing them talk about it... I dunno. It's obviously not their passion, it's just something they do because they're around electronics so much that they're expected to? Something like that. Anyway, I found their thoughts interesting. HoMM 5 is good stuffs. If you liked previous HoMM games, you won't be disappointed in the gameplay. There is pretty well 0 story to the campaign, though, at least as far as I've seen. You'd think with all these heroes you're level-building they would have some sort of personality or backstory besides "MUST GET ARMY SAVE KINGDOM GRRR!" That's not why I'm playing the game... previous HoMM's I didn't play the campaign at all, just random custom battles against the compy or sometimes hotseat with Jonathan. But it still would have been nice to have the motivation of additional story when I hit the first battle that is going to piss me off.
I feel shitty. Off to bed. Whee.
Posted by poetfox at May 21, 2006 02:14 AM
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