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May 01, 2006
I must agree, this is one of the cutest things ever. After watching the first little bit, you know what you're getting in to, so don't feel there's some huge suprise at the end or something. But man. Cute.
I really worry about the stupidest, most bullshitest things ever. I hate my worryer nature. There was a time when I wasn't like this, I know there was... bah. I worry because I care... I mean... it... that makes it worse. But it's all so fucking retarded, it makes me want to disappear. Bleh.
So, okayokay, let's see, let's see, write about something to make my stomach calm down. There were new Episodes of Tsubasa and xXxholic to download today! Whee! Both were fun. There was some classic Tomoyo-chan action in the latest Tsubasa. Heh. And the people doing Tsubasa were also translating Nana... so I downloaded alot of that as well. Whee, or something.
I will admit, though, this is probably a better kind of worry to have than what I was having awhile back... cause this is very... wanting to make a future... sort of worry... so I guess I can be thankful for that. Blah, I gotta calm down so I can sleep.
Posted by poetfox at May 1, 2006 12:16 AM
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