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April 07, 2006
What tu duuuu?
I sit here, playing Tetris DS online, listening to random songs, telling Juice to download all the podcasts I've missed, which is a lot... and I wonder what the fuck I'm going to do with that story now that I'm finished with it. It could probably use a little tweaking, although I haven't really gotten feedback to help me do that from all the people who have read it thus far. It could use a catchy title. And then what? I do all that, then what. Do I try to find a market for it? Do I send it out? Is it worth that? Is there a market that wants crazy tales of sex by crazy people stories? Is it even that good? I really have no idea. I would like feedback before I proceed. But I never really feel like I get any, so I mean, I dunno.
I think I'll switch to MP: Hunters...
Oh, and I took a nap today. And wrote Brer a text-message haiku... that's pretty well been my entire day.
Posted by poetfox at April 7, 2006 03:19 PM
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