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April 01, 2006

This is one of the many reasons I love Metal Gear Ac!d.

Lookit that. That's a screenie of Venus using the SMG from the original Metal Gear. All the old weapons look like that as opposed to... you know... weapons. I love it. Plus, the shot has a nice view of Snake's ass, too, so there you go.
Seriously, makes me want to play more Metal Gear stuff, but I know if I played more, I would get bored with it quickly. I don't like the stealthy! I like being able to get the jump on people on occasion, but I don't want to be penalized for killing everyone under the sun. From my experience, that's basically impossible and a terrible idea in Metal Gear games... I think that's why I enjoyed Splinter Cell more than I thought... killing everyone (or at least knocking them all unconcious) gave you an advantage and was totally possible.
For a card of a really badass mech from a killeveryone game, the Jehuty card really doesn't do much.
I should be playing more Hunters.
The End.

Posted by poetfox at April 1, 2006 02:34 AM


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