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April 30, 2006
This is a Magical Post from the Land of Awesometon.
So my mom showed an interest in Brain Age when I was rambling on about how Nintendo was trying to take the casual market, and she saw it for 20 bucks in an ad with a little additional kit that is mostly useless (Do I really have alot of use for a DS/SP car charger? I don't know) but definately free, so I picked it up. Originally my Brain Age was 80, but after my daily training I jumped that sucker right down to 60. Overall, I'm pretty impressed with it. It's very well made for people who aren't gamers. The handwriting recognition is really good, actually. You have to be writing really sloppy for it not to get it. The voice recognition? Well, it gets three of the four words for me with no problem, but I have to pronouce Blue very oddly for it to pick it up. Still, after I figured that out it wasn't a problem. It's a nice little program, and they threw in some Sudoku (which I tried out... they really are fun, I can see why they're becoming the new Crossword puzzle) on there to keep people playing it a bit more. If I keep with it and train every day, I could see how it would help, too, at least a little. Can't wait to show it to mom, and see what she thinks about it.
So my plans that I have absolutely no control over are coming to fruition. Tavares has been promoted. I need to talk with Karen sometime soon and attempt to cement the Truck Supervisor job for myself. I really don't know who else they'd have to do it (Plus, I mean, Tavares said "That would leave you on the truck," so...), so I'm hopefully. I might have to change my schedule for next semester, but we'll see. Old Truck Supervisor had one day a week he had off, too, so...
There is one episode of Tsubasa left and I have no fucking idea what is going to be in it, cause they've already covered all the way up to where the Manga currently is.
Orbit CitrusMint gum is still the best gum EVAR!
Posted by poetfox at April 30, 2006 01:48 PM
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