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April 05, 2006

Stuffs about stuff and other stuff and stuff.

I question why I went to Best Buy and then proceeded play Guitar Hero when I had Guitar Hero sitting here, at home, right in front of me.
I still haven't finished the story. Sorry, one, possibly two people who wanted to read it. I did name my main character Sunflower. I'm crazy, I know.
I tried to set up my router to deprioritize my torrents and prioritize my normal browsing and my DS, but it doesn't seem to be working. Oh well, heh, it wasn't all that important, it just would have been nice... heh...
Under the Sea in Japanese is AMAZING.
Apparently, Derraie has signed up to comment on here. You know, if you sign up, you're good for EVERY MOVEABLE TYPE BLOG EVAR?????? Did you know that? It's amazing, that information...
I refound the Double Fine Action News the other day. Yay for humor! Also, I do have all my links up on del.icio.us, you know... if, you know... care.

Posted by poetfox at April 5, 2006 05:53 PM


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