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April 13, 2006
Podcasts and MMOs, mann! Come on!
Trying the new blog editar in Flock... here's to hoping it's SPIFFEE! Or spiffy. Whatever.
So I still really like Y?. Alot. I wish I could write normal talking like him. And his art is awesome. Even his non-furry stuff, of course. Heh. I just sorta want to put that out there.
I sent a voice comment to Mur today... and then another e-mail... I have been listening to podcasts like nonstop for these past two days. I so love these things. I just wish I didn't have to sit my ass down and force myself to listen to them... it works good to listen to whilst MMOing, though. I've adopted twoish recently... after Jonathan stole my PS2, a tub friend of mine Tairena, started ranting about City of Villains. Now, I wanted to play City of Villains. I have for awhile. I like City of Heroes and I've never given it the time it deserved. It has style, mann! So I'm like, you know what, sure. Went to Best Buy, I picked up the special edition for the same price as the normal edition which then ended up to be 10 dollars cheaper than advertised (I wonder if my Reward Zone card does that... they like forced that on me for free... and when I buy something there, it's almost always like at least 5 dollars cheaper than it says...) and I was happy. I got an art book, and an "instant Hero Clix collection" with a Hero Clix of every single villain in the game. Dunno if I'll ever use them, but it's cool. Also, it came on a DVD, which is the main reason I got it. I don't even understand why most games come on CDs anymore... or that the DVD version is always more expensive... but yeah, anyway, so I'm playing City of Villains. If you go into the screenie gallery you can see my villains. I like Kheilii (thanks to Pariah from the tub for the name... I loves it) quite a bit, but she's my alt. Culling Sun is already 14 and, you know, can teleport like crazy. Whee. Oh, and if you want to play, um, here. But yeah, I'm enjoying that, even if it crashes sometimes when I'm playing and try to switch out of the game to chat...
Anyway, other than that, my IRL friends are getting into Silk Road. At first, I didn't like it, But I got an attack skill tonight while I was doing some quick grinding to play with my friends, and now I'm like "It's very good for being free." The gameplay isn't alot better than alot of the paid stuff out there. But I miss customization. I guess I'm weirdish, but I love making a "me" online and owning it. I like being able to have that power over how I'm seen. Honestly, that's a huge part of my love of CoV and CoH, beacuse you can do so much. Heh. There are very few options in Silk Road, and everyone looks basically the same... alot like FFXI, actually. It was one of the things I didn't like about that game. But again, I'm not paying for it, so no complaints. I'll play Zombiebowhealer for my friends and play CoV in my spare time. Yay. And maybe Crossfox can make a comeback, if I get tired of evil.
Also, in a random purchase, I have ordered a print copy of a bunch of Mur's back essays. I love Mur's essays. I don't know how well they are going to transfer to text actually. Obviously she is just reading them. But I dunno. I was interested. And I feel a book would be an easier way to force her stuff on people. Yay! Steal it from me or get Lessons from a Geek Fu Master from Podiobooks or something.
I like essays... it feels weird to be so... passionate about personal essays. I love reading good ones. I need to keep working so I can write better ones.
Posted by poetfox at April 13, 2006 01:14 AM
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