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April 06, 2006
My new deck is awesome.
I'm thinking about building it IRL. The main idea? Abusing Fumiko the Lowblood with Hissing Miasma. The idea that manages to make it all work? FORBIDDEN FUCKING ORCHARD. Yeah, that's right. Forbidden Orchard. The only issue I'd have with building it in real life is I would have to break up my foxie deck, as the deck needs Patrons of the Kitsune... the deck doesn't win very much, though, so it might be for the best... it would free up my Opal Eyes and 8.5 Tails for some other endeavor. I would like to thank Ecks for his moral support while I talked through deckbuilding with him, even though he has no fucking idea what I was talking about.
Okay, bed now.
Posted by poetfox at April 6, 2006 03:58 AM
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