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April 23, 2006
"I'm so useless, why would you ever kiss me?"
Yup, still obsessed with that song.
So, yeah, Mishicorp posted another episode of xXxholic like... Hours after I got the first two from them. And I was excited. But then I was like "Wait, how I am going to make sure I don't miss future releases?" So I started searching for Firefox extentions... and I found this... um... InfoRSS Extention. If you just have some RSS feeds that update rarely and you would like notification of them updating to pop up at you, I highly recommend it. Cause that's what it does. ^_^ Plus, it has like a headline scroll in the bottom right (where it doesn't take up any browsing space, which is something else I wanted from it... I hate additional toolbars) if you miss the popup until you've told it you've read it. It does more newsready things, but that's all I wanted it for. ^_^
The one annoyance I have with the new Flock blogger is the fact that I can't cutandpaste addresses into the quicklink maker button popup... it's easier to just type in the html, so I can cut and paste.
I should really be in bed... but I can't really sleep... I'll force myself to bed in an hour, though...
So the No One Lives Forever 2 that I bought in a hardcore PC game three pack of the already mentioned NOLF2, Silent Hill 4, and Return of the King for 10 dollars... well, it has online co-op that I can play with Brer. ^_^ Yay! There is not nearly enough cool online co-op games. Of course, if the Co-op is more than just me shooting next to him remains to be seen, but even that would be nice.
I need to make a new offline constructed deck...
I like my new background.
Posted by poetfox at April 23, 2006 12:49 AM
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