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April 12, 2006
I will kill you. I know where you live.
I had written about 2 pages of blogpost, and then Flock just randomly closed and lost it all. Fuck you, Flock. FUCK. YOU.
Here is quick notes on what I was saying. I said them alot better (or worse, depending on how much you love consiceness) before.
1) I caught up on podcasts today.
2) I've been depressed alot lately
3) People should tell my online friends that I'm dead when I die. I should have money stashed away to get all my online friends together for my funeral, so they can have fun together afterwards.
4) The fact that Brer wants me to sleep so I won't be lonely as opposed to a health-related concern (although I'm sure that's true, too) means alot to me.
5) I hope Dissention has lots of white goodies, and I wonder if Essner is thinking about going to the prerelease, as I want to take more trips so there are things to look forward to in my future. I haven't liked any of the white guilds so far, besides some of Orzhov.
Posted by poetfox at April 12, 2006 02:39 AM
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