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April 26, 2006

I really hate what companies are doing to people's rights, but am willing to take it for... LOCO ROCO!

I seriously wish Sony would just release a program and sell it for like 30 bucks that lets you program for the PSP and make apps that just run without exploits. Everyone would be so fucking happy, and they could just say "run at your own risk!" and keep changing the firmware to stop online game hacks and not the ability to run homebrew. It just seems like a great move all around for them. Fuck, even make it so the people who want to run the homebrew apps have to buy this mystic program, make even more money. People would still be happy.
I talk about this because I'm currently downloading the new update to the PSP firmware. I do this because 1) I never had Liberty City Stories so it's not like I could run homebrew anyway, and 2) Hello? Loco Roco demo? They really need more downloadable PSP demos, too. They don't need that bullshit TV thing they launched in Japan that seems like a good option if you're tired of burning your money and throwing it in the trash, and would like another avenue to achieve the same result. You can pay a fee to download a TV show that you can only watch for like a week... you buy a show that expires in a week... good going, Sony. Gods, things are getting terrible with this like that. The whole world is going to die. Oh, and thanks, Tycho, for telling me about the Loco Roco demo.
My new decks should be here... tommorow...? Hopefully? Definately by Friday. Yay! New Decks!
Oh, I finally posted the 23rd Crappy Asst, if you care. We need to record another podcast soon.

Edit: Loco Roco is insanely happy and bouncy. I love it. Nintendo, if you do not translate Mother 3, heads will roll. I mean, I love you, Nintendo. I love you alot. But I must have this game, and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Translate it for me. Don't make me wait for a fan-translated ROM. Let me give you money.

Posted by poetfox at April 26, 2006 09:29 AM


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