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April 03, 2006
I can't sleeps.
I tried to go to bed at 11, I really did, but after hours upon hours of tossing, turning, playing a little Me and My Katamari, watching some TV, more tossing, more turning, I'm still wide awake and hating the idea of being in bed... I was torrenting stuff, and the computer was still on, so here I am. I'm sorry.
I just really hate going to bed... it's one of the reasons I stay up late. My bed is very lonely. It's big and empty, and I sit in the dark and I think. When I think, nothing good tends to come of it, really... besides creative ideas sometimes, I suppose. But, you know, that isn't the kind of thinking I'm often doing in bed. So I'm still awake... I was going to write a long-winded e-mail to Brer about nothing useful, probably, but I realized Thunderbird didn't have his e-mail since I reformatted and stuff... so I'm writing this instead, I suppose...
Tommorow I am going to write a story. Probably the one I worked on in my head on Saturday night. The more I think about it, the less it is going to be "erotic." It will have a strong sexual nature to it, but I realize that isn't the point of the story I am building. Then again, I think that's more what I would want out of such a story. Random fucking is whatever, I'm sure. But I would be much more want to read something that has people that I'm glad are fucking, or people I can put myself in their place by having more in common with them than similar sexual organs. Isn't that better in general? I think that's also why I'm drawn to pictures of such things with very expressive facial expressions. You know, the sort of pictures where you can tell what the character is thinking, just by looking into their eyes or whatnot. I can't believe I just sort of explained my concept of good pr0n on my blog. In any case, I think I am going to make myself write that story before I play Kingdom Hearts 2 tommorow. I don't have a title yet, to tease you or something. Sorry. Jessica is probably going to be a character name, though. It's probably not going to be a furry story. That's all I got for now.
Derr is a good guy who should really be in bed, although I'm one to talk.
Posted by poetfox at April 3, 2006 03:22 AM
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