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March 31, 2006

Working is good. Working with cards, that would be better.

Ad set is getting over way too quickly... I'm going to be not earning money... I mean, I dunno, it's not like I'm hurt for cash but I just... I should be earning money, it's not like I'm doing anything else. And I have ONE NIGHT OF WORK NEXT WEEK! One! That's, at most, 5 hours of work. Did they hire people for the truck crew, too? Will I never, ever, ever have hours again? I am very saddened and I hope this is not a continuing trend.
I beat Metal Gear Ac!d 2. A fitting sequal overall. Things I wish they could have fixed in the sequal... um... how easy it is to smudge a PSP screen (okay, yeah, they couldn't have done much about that)... the inability to save decklists. The deck editor is okay, but without being able to save decklists it really makes you NOT want to specialize your deck for specific levels, because then you'd have to labor to set it back to normal for the next level... I don't find that fun. My memory stick has plenty of space, and I mean, hell, it would only be a text file. Let me save Snake's deck before I make a "Metal Gear Killer" deck, so that when I'm back to shooting random guards, I can switch back real fast! Things I liked... um... cards. ^_^ And the Arena mode. I can't replay through the game in Hard mode, because then I would have to sneak. I can't do that. Sorry. But this Arena mode, well, it throws just Snake into a random level with two random cardified bosses from the Metal Gear universe. So far I've faced Ocelot, Fortune, The End... and two guys who I am not sure of on the names. One I am fairly sure was Liquid Snake (he had some incredibly bastardish pistol cards). The other guy... I have no fucking clue. He kept doing these crazy knife attacks on me, though. Anyway, that mode is quite a good way to get my cardgame on. ^_^ I like it.
I'm sad about Mei Ling's card. It's useless in most levels, like Marionette Owl (Another card I wish was better. I dunno, I have something for the GBC Metal Gear bosses. ^_^). I want it to like... screw up enemies vision or something... cause of... um... "Too much harmonic resonance." Heh... Also, when I beat the game it gave me a Solid Snake (MGS4) card. And I'm utterly confused by it. I have no idea what it does. It has 4 cost and lets me move three spaces... and that's... complete and utter bullshit. That's like the worst card in the game, if that's all it does. And there are some pretty useless cards *cough*MetalGearMk.II*cough* for it to compete with...

Posted by poetfox at March 31, 2006 12:31 AM


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