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March 27, 2006
This is how the plot of Metal Gear Ac!d 2 is.
Here is my quick impression of me playing Metal Gear Ac!d 2.
Wiseman: Alright, Snake. I need you and Venus to get into that facility and stop Metal Gear.
Venus: Yay, I'm going to kill everyone I have ninja stars!
Dalton: No! You don't have to kill anyone! As an Ex-FBI agent, I know that killing is wrong! You won't kill any more than you have to, will you, Snake.
Snake: ...don't worry, I'll handle it...
[Here is where I play the level and kill every single guard and don't even attempt to do any sneaking]
Dalton: Snake, Wiseman had to take a crap, so we're alone now. I can't believe he is so cold-hearted! Killing all those people!
Snake: We'll get out of this... somehow. You blackmailed me to get me in here, but now we're the best of friends and I trust you more than anyone.
B.B.: OMFG SO GAY!!!!!!!!!! :) I can hack things.
Dalton: So we've heard.
Wiseman: I'm back from the bathroom.
Dalton: So we've heard.
Wiseman: Get going, Snake and Venus. Metal Gear. Destroy. Now.
That's basically how the game goes.
Posted by poetfox at March 27, 2006 02:59 PM
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