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March 17, 2006
This is a bunch of stuff that I wrote and then published to my blog.
Draco has a place now and everything! I'm glad he managed to get everything worked out and going and stuff... heh... have to talk to him more soon... and Ecks has a new spiffy job... mann, everyone is going places... or something like that, anyway.
Me, not so much. Although I suppose if I do manage to go somewhere I'll have a nice new backpack to help transport my crepe.
So I saw V for Vendetta tonight with Essner and Petesteve. Awesome, mann. Awesome. I haven't read the comic, but the movie was very, very enjoyable and had a really good plot. I'm definately going to read the thing during my next "waste time in Barnes and Noble" run. My three movie-watching companions had read the comic, and their complaints seemed few and they definately seemed to enjoy the film as well. I personally can't believe the directors behind such "wonderful" films as Matrix: Reloaded and it's 7 minute long bullshit rave scene were behind this film.
I really have been down lately... it's all pretty stupid, I suppose. There isn't alot of point behind it but I've been having really depressed nights lately... Blah.
Also, my epoxy experiment got my chair back into a usable condition, but I know it's going to break again. I'm going to have to buy a new computer chair and it pisses me off.
Posted by poetfox at March 17, 2006 02:41 AM
How did you break your chair?
Posted by: piman at March 17, 2006 02:06 PM
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