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March 23, 2006
Have you seen this movie? Apparently they showed it off at the Game Developers Conference... it look like they've thought of some pretty smart uses of the touch screen for the game... the part that really impressed me was the fact that it looked like once you find the map, it's obviously displayed on the top screen, but you can bring it down and make notes on it. That's something very simple and smart, and could give them excuse to set up more complicated puzzles. It would also be nice just for having to set the game down for awhile to be able to make it clear to yourself what you've done. The door thing at the beginning seems pretty standard, though... all in all, though, I'm excited. It's using Wind Waker style, which I've never had anything against (tons and tons of annoying and boring sailing for no reason? That I have something against). I'm sure I'll pick it up.
I took a nap today. Whee!
I think this particular comic is funny.
Posted by poetfox at March 23, 2006 03:40 PM
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