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March 07, 2006
Games, Games, Games. (!!) (?) (!)
Shadow Hearts: From a New World is seducing me. I loved the second one like crazy, even if I fell into my normal thing about console RPGs where I get to the point where I can confront the last boss and then stop. But it was fucking amazing. Thus, this one should also be amazing, even if it's missing the awesome that is Blanca. But there's a drunked cat. Isn't that just as good? Okay, I'll go ahead and say it's not as good, but still, should be awesome.
I am now going to recreate two phone calls I made a moment ago.
EB Guy: Thanks for Calling EB, where you can reserve Kingdom Hearts 2, how may I help you?
Me: Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, when is that coming out? That's what I called to check.
EB Guy: It's coming out March 28.
Me: Really? I thought it was coming out like... tommorow. Oh well, thank you! *click* Wait a second... *dialdial ring...*
EB Guy: Thanks for calling EB, where you can reserve Kingdom Hearts 2, how may I help you?
Me: I'm retarded, wrong Hearts game.
EB Guy: Shadow Hearts? Heh, that's tommorow. We got the guides in today.
Me: Okay, thanks.
Yes, I'm stupid. But at least the day way can make me take time to rethink my strategy here. I want to play the new Shadow Hearts. However, March 20 marks two portable games I have to have, MP: Hunters (the Metroid Prime kind, not the Mario Party kind) and Tetris DS. I now know March 28 marks Kingdom Hearts 2, a game I must play no matter what.Will I be able to play all the way through Shadow Hearts: From a New World before other games seduce me? I'm really bad about finishing games, but I feel like I should be more... you know... frugal or something with my cash... am I going to get my money's worth out of Shadow Hearts?
That's what I'm wondering. I know I'm likely going to get it anyway. If I play it while I'm chatting (My PS2 controller can reach over to my compy comfortably!) I should be able to get in plenty of play time... From the 8th till the 21st or so is... 12 days? Something like that? To play through a supposedly 60 hour game? Can I handle that? We'll see.
Also, I'm not going to get it, but I'm happy to hear Mega Man: Powered Up! is not just a remake with a Chibi Mega Man, but has a huge addition in the way of an incredibly full-featured level editor that, along with how easy it is to pull files off of a PSP memory stick, should result in a whole community of people making custom Mega Man levels like crazy. If I was more hardcore about Megas Man, perhaps I'd be down with that. I'm not hardcore, though.
Posted by poetfox at March 7, 2006 02:12 PM
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