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March 09, 2006

"Did I say you could call me 'Master Meow'?"

Yup. It is.
So yeah, are you suprised I am 5 and a half hours into Shadow Hearts: From The New World? Didn't think so. I've already rescued Al Capone from Alkatraz. I mean, come on. The characters aren't engaging me as much as the ones in Covenant (Blanca! Come on!), but they're growing on me. I don't claim to know why Frank has that anglerfish thing as part of his ninja outfit, but anyone who celebrates the end of a battle with "Hey! You! Don't Forget to Brush Your Teeth!" is a winner in my book. I also like Mao's voice actor, and the fact that she's the master of the crazy ninja man. This game's plot is even more crazyish than the last, as, you know, I barely feel like I'm trying to save the whole world like I was in the last one. But eh, it's fun. And I've got it set up so I can play from my compy. So rokk on.
I've been in serious funk territory recently... I hope I can snap out of it soon, cause I'm tired of annoying people with it.

Posted by poetfox at March 9, 2006 01:27 AM


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