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March 27, 2006
I managed to get my internets to work again tonight. Whee. I hate fighting it... Wednesday, mann! *sighs* Oh well, it'll come soon enough. And until then, I have Ac!d 2.
Ac!d 2 is awesome. Venus is an interesting character, although I don't dig her as much as Teliko. And why does every Metal Gear game have an "Oh, wait, gotta get a sniper rifle!" part to it? Or is it just every single one I've played? That's where I am, anyway. I don't know what it is about Ac!d that thrills me so, but I love this sort of exciting action and combined with cards? Woah. Babee. I must admit the fact that it links up with Substance and that Substance is like 30 bucks new makes me want it. But that would be a crazy retarded purchase, at least at the moment. I don't often get far in Metal Gear games... or console games in general recently... eh, whatever.
We bowled tonight. That hadn't happened in awhile. I did really well. We signed up for the Summer League again. Dark Smifflin will rise again!
Posted by poetfox at March 27, 2006 12:56 AM
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