March 25, 2006

Back from the Internetless, Birthdayful Void

So my internet was down like crazy. I was mad. Oh well. It's up now, and hopefully will stay up until the guy comes to replace my modem on Wednesday.
I have thus far played one online game of Tetris DS and one online game of MP: Hunters. I lost at both, only really really badly at Hunters. In my defense, it was a one on one match and was my first game. But damn, I got SCHOOLED! Also, apparently I need to do some more single player as I don't have all the hunters unlocked yet. Although the guy with the halfturrent and the hopping clawing torso feels about right to me... but damn, the other player was schooling me as Samus Morph Ball... heh... I didn't do quite so bad in my Tetris match, though I was the first knocked out. Wasn't used to what items could be thrown my way. The Lighting Bolt and the Fireball are a bitch. In any case, if you have either game, my friend codes are here. Challenge me! We can Skype it up while we play.
Should be a new Crappy Asst up, I was held up in posting it due to the internet issues. It's a small one. See what you think. I also wrote a nanofic that I haven't posted offically yet, but you can read over on Poetfox.com in the Other Stuff section. See if it's effective or not.

Posted by poetfox at March 25, 2006 01:09 PM


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