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February 23, 2006
What does the P.O.W. have in his boxers for me this time?
Okay, I just beat Metal Slug X. It told me how many continues I used when I finished, so I can say that would have spent $9.75 beating the game in the arcade. EXCITING! I was pretty proud of my little computer too... earlier, Spants and I were both playing Metal Slug (yay for two gamepads!), and there was very minimal lag, even with a million billion things going on (Metal Slug, if you haven't played it for some totally obscene crazy reason, can get very crazy) and chat windows and shite up on my other screen. It was neat.
Here is where I was going to start writing something depressing, but have decided against it.
Posted by poetfox at February 23, 2006 01:48 AM
Here, I'll help you out.
Thomas had never been in an airplane before. He didn't trust them. But today was important. Today Lucy was coming home. He decided that he would fly to Phoenix to meet her, then they could drive back to Chester together. The drive would be a couple of days at least but that's ok. He hadn't seen her for almost a year. The plane landed and Thomas made his way out of the terminal. He had rented a car for the afternoon, just long enough to find Lucy. Lucy's mom had told Thomas he shouldn't go. Lucy's mom said that 10 months is a long time. Thomas just shook his head and laughed. Lucy loved Thomas, and Thomas loved Lucy. She would wait for him. Thomas pulled up to Lucy's apartment. Lucy's battered Ford Taurus was parked in front with a small U-haul trailer hooked up behind it. It looks like she was already packed. Thomas parked his car and ran up to Lucy's door, hardly containing his excitment. The door was unlocked so Thomas let himself in and....
For a merely depressing ending read this:
...looked around the empty apartment. He immediately noticed the rythmic banging sound coming from the opposite room. Then he heard the grunting. Thomas was not a fool, but he was also extremely naive. He knew what was going on in the next room, but he was sure his Lucy wouldn't be doing that. So he went to check the apartment number again. As he was leaving the apartment he heard a voice from the other room cry out "Oh Lucy, of all the countless times we've had sex, it has never been this good!" That's weird. The person who lived here is named Lucy too. He continued to try to leave. "Yeah Lucy," began another straining masculine voice, "we've never had it this good." Hmm... two of them. This Lucy who is definately not my Lucy is quite the adventurous lass. "You know Lucy," moaned a distinctly feminine voice,"this is the only thing that I would say while I'm having sex with you, and Steve and Brad and Will and Xander, but it's too bad that you have to go back to Chester today." Hmm... she's from Chester too. I wonder if I've met her. She's probably some tramp from West High. "Here here," repsonded a third unique male voice, "and it's too bad you have to go back to that loser boyfriend Thomas." At this point Thomas lost it. He gave up on trying to check the apartment number and ran outside to his rented Camry. He opened the glove compartment and retrieved the revolver he had stolen from his father. He put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. He was never quite the same after that.
For the Ultra depressing ending, read this:
...the world exploded.
Posted by: piman at February 23, 2006 11:27 AM
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